When you use credit on Fiverr, you can get more gigs and services for your money. This is because credit allows you to purchase gigs in advance and save money on future purchases. In addition, credit can be used to pay for extras, such as rush delivery or custom requests.
How to Use Credit on Fiverr
There are two ways to use credit on Fiverr:
1. Purchase gigs in advance:
If you know you’ll need a gig or service in the future, you can purchase it now and save money. This is because when you use credit, you get a discount on the gig price.
For example, if a gig costs $5, you would only be charged $4.50 if you used credit.
2. Pay for extras:
In addition to purchasing gigs in advance, you can also use credit to pay for extras. This includes features like rush delivery or custom requests. To use credit for extras, simply click the “Add Credit” button when placing your order.
Credit is a great way to save money on Fiverr gigs and services. By purchasing gigs in advance or paying for extras, you can get more for your money. So if you’re looking to get the most out of Fiverr, be sure to use credit.