Web Design » Photoshop » How Do You Use Dispersion Action in Photoshop?

How Do You Use Dispersion Action in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 11:06 pm

When it comes to digital image editing, the tools and techniques available in Photoshop are nearly limitless. One of the most useful and versatile tools is the dispersion action, which can be used to create a wide variety of effects.

The dispersion action is essentially a brush tool that can be used to apply a variety of different textures and effects to an image. By adjusting the brush size, hardness, and opacity, you can create anything from subtle gradients to bold patterns.

One of the most common uses for the dispersion action is creating a “smokey” or “hazy” effect. This can be achieved by setting the brush size to a large value and increasing the hardness. Then, simply paint over the areas you want to affect and watch as the smokey effect is added instantaneously.

PRO TIP: Dispersion action in Photoshop can create some very interesting effects, but it can also be very easy to overdo it. Be careful not to go too crazy with the settings, or you may end up with an image that looks unnatural and fake.

Another great use for the dispersion action is generating light streaks or rays. This is often done by setting the brush size to a small value and increasing the opacity. Then, paint over the areas you want to affect and watch as the light streaks are added instantaneously.

One final use for the dispersion action is creating abstract patterns and shapes. This can be done by adjusting the brush size, hardness, and opacity to achieve the desired effect. Then, simply paint over the areas you want to affect and watch as the patterns are added instantaneously.

No matter what your needs are, chances are good that the dispersion action in Photoshop can help you achieve them. So next time you’re looking to add some special effects to your images, be sure to give this tool a try!

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.