If you’re running a WooCommerce store, there’s a good chance you’re looking for ways to optimize your checkout process. One way to do that is to use hooks.
What are WooCommerce hooks? In short, they’re functions that let you customize the default behavior of WooCommerce. By adding your own code to a hook, you can change how WooCommerce behaves without having to edit the core code.
There are two types of hooks in WooCommerce: actions and filters. Actions let you add or remove code at specific points in the checkout process, while filters let you modify data before it’s displayed on the screen.
Let’s take a closer look at each type of hook and how you can use them to streamline your checkout process.
Actions are the most common type of hook, and they’re used to add or remove code at specific points in the checkout process. For example, the WooCommerce_after_checkout_billing_form action lets you add code after the billing fields on the checkout page.
To use an action hook, you first need to identify the hook you want to use and then add your own code to it. In most cases, you’ll need to write a custom function and then attach it to the hook using the add_action() function.
Here’s an example of how you might use the WooCommerce_after_checkout_billing_form action hook:
function my_custom_function() {
// Code goes here..
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_checkout_billing_form', 'my_custom_function' );
In this case, we’ve written a custom function called my_custom_function() and attached it to the WooCommerce_after_checkout_billing_form action hook. You can put any code you want inside your custom function, and it will be executed at the appropriate time during the checkout process.
Filters are used to modify data before it’s displayed on the screen. For example, the WooCommerce_currency filter lets you change the currency symbol that’s displayed on your store.
To use a filter hook, you first need to identify the hook you want to use and then add your own code to it. In most cases, you’ll need to write a custom function and then attach it to the hook using the add_filter() function.
function my_custom_function( $currency ) {
// Code goes here.
return $currency; // Don't forget this! It's required by WordPress! }
add_filter( 'woocommerce__currency', 'my_custom__function' );
In this case, we’ve written a custom function called myChangeCurrencySymbol() and attached it to the WooCommerce__currency filter hook. The $currency variable contains the currency symbol that’s currently being used on your store (e.g., “$” for US dollars).
By default, this variable is passed through unchanged by our custom function. However, we could modify it if we wanted to change the currency symbol that’s being used on our store.
For example, we could change it from “$” to “€” like this:
function myChangeCurrencySymbol( $currency ) {
$currency = '€'; return $currency; }
add__filter( 'woocommerce__currency', 'myChangeCurrencySymbol' );
In this case, our custom function is changing the value of $currency from “$” to “€”. It then returns this new value so that WooCommerce can use it instead of the default “$”.
Using Hooks in WooCommerce.
Now that you know what hooks are and how they work, let’s look at some specific ways you can use them in WooCommerce.
1) Change Checkout Fields. One common task people do with hooks is change which fields are displayed on the checkout page. By default, WooCommerce displays a wide range of fields including shipping information, order notes, and billing information. However, not all stores need all of these fields.
For example, if your store only ships digital products (e-books, software downloads, etc.), then there’s no need for shipping information on the checkout page since there’s nothing for your customers to ship!
You can remove any unnecessary fields by using hooks like WooCommerce__default__address__fields or WooCommerce__checkout__fields . These hooks let you remove or modify any of the default fields that are displayed on checkout page without having to edit any core files!
2) Customize Thank You Pages. Another common task people do with hooks is customize their thank-you pages. By default, WooCommerce displays a basic thank-you message after someone completes their purchase: Thank you for your order! Your transaction has been completed While this message is fine for some stores, others may want something more elaborate or even branded thank-you pages with links back to their website or social media accounts.
To customize your thank-you pages in WooCommerce, all you need do is create a new file called thankyou{order-number}.php in your theme directory and put whatever content you want inside it!
3) Add Custom Widgets. Another popular way people use hooks is by adding custom widgets Most WordPress themes come with some basic widgets pre-installed (e., Recent Posts , Calendar , etc.).
However, if there’s something specific want display in your sidebar or footer (e,., product information , customer testimonials , etc. ), then probably need create a custom widget.
Fortunately , WordPress makes easy display custom content using widgets . All need do is create a new file called widget-{name}.php in your theme directory.
Then , just put whatever widget content want inside file !
4) Modify Default Emails. Another popular way people use hooks is by modifying WordPress’ default emails . WordPress sends out emails various occasions such as when someone registers for an account or when someone purchases a product .
While these email messages are fine for most websites , others may want something more elaborate or branded . Fortunately , modifying these emails is easy with WordPress’ email API .
5) Control What User Sees After Login. After someone logs into their account on frontend website , they’re typically redirected back frontend home page . However , depending what kind business running , might want send users different location after login.
For example , if website provides access members – only content such membership sites or online courses – might want redirect users login page directly members – only area website instead making them go through homepage again .
Fortunately , there’s easy way accomplish this using WordPress’ login redirect functionality . Simply visit Settings » General page admin area and enter URL desired location under Membership section .