Web Design » Canva » How Do You Use the Color Picker in Canva?

How Do You Use the Color Picker in Canva?

Last updated on December 9, 2022 @ 4:23 am

The color picker in Canva is a great tool that allows you to select the perfect color for your design. To use the color picker, simply click on the color you want to use in the toolbar. Then, click on the “eyedropper” tool in the toolbar and hover over the area of your design that you want to sample.

When you find the perfect color, simply click on it and the color will be applied to your design! You can also use the color picker to create a custom color by clicking on the “custom” option in the toolbar.

To change the text color in HTML, simply use the < p >, < b > or < u > tags where applicable. For example, to make your text bold, you would use the < b > tag.

To make your text underlined, you would use the < u > tag. To change the text color, you would use the < p > tag and specify a hex code for the color you want to use.

PRO TIP: The Color Picker in Canva is a great way to get the perfect color for your project. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when using it.

First, make sure that you have the correct color mode selected. The Color Picker will only work with the RGB color mode. If you are working in another color mode, you will need to convert your image to RGB before using the Color Picker.

Second, keep in mind that the Color Picker will only pick up colors from an image that is already open in Canva. So, if you want to use the Color Picker on a new image, you will need to first open that image in Canva.

Finally, when using the Color Picker, be sure to click on the color you want to use rather than dragging your mouse across the image. If you drag your mouse, you may accidentally pick up other colors from the image as well.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.