Web Design » Figma » How Do You Wrap Text in Figma?

How Do You Wrap Text in Figma?

Last updated on December 10, 2022 @ 1:46 pm

There are many ways to style text in Figma, and wrapping text is an easy task. The best way to wrap text in Figma is to use the “Auto width” and “Auto height” tools. These will automatically wrap your text whenever it is used.

To wrap text in Figma using these tools, simply select the text that you want to wrap. Now, click on the “Design” tab in the upper-right corner and go to the “Text” window.

From there, select the “Auto height” option which will then result in the text box automatically taking the height of the text.

Finally, select the “Auto width” option which will automatically make the text box fit the width of the text. Now you are able to wrap text in Figma!

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Figma, we recommend that you find someone who is before attempting to wrap text in Figma. Otherwise, you may accidentally wrap your text in a way that is difficult to undo, or that does not look the way you intended.


In conclusion, the best way to wrap text in Figma is by using the “Auto height” and “Auto width” tools in the “Text” window of the “Design” tab. These tools will automatically take the shape of your text whenever it is used.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.