Website Building » BigCommerce » How does BigCommerce compare to Shopify?

How does BigCommerce compare to Shopify?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:57 am

Shopify is a popular eCommerce platform that allows businesses to create a custom online store with a wide range of features. While BigCommerce is a similar platform, it has some unique features that might make it a better choice for your business.

One advantage of BigCommerce is that it has a wider range of features than Shopify. This includes things like support for more than just eCommerce stores, including marketing, lead gen, and even accounting and payment processing.

PRO TIP: BigCommerce is a powerful ecommerce platform, but it can be more expensive and complex to use than Shopify. If you are not experienced in ecommerce, we recommend starting with Shopify.

Additionally, BigCommerce offers a wider range of integrations, including with platforms like Amazon, PayPal, and Shopify. This means that you can easily add additional features and capabilities to your store without having to build them from scratch.

Finally, BigCommerce offers a more robust eCommerce platform than Shopify. This means that it can handle more complex stores with more features and functionality.

If you’re looking for a platform that can handle your entire eCommerce operation, BigCommerce is likely a better choice than Shopify.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.