Website Building » Wix » How Does Dynamic Pages Work in Wix?

How Does Dynamic Pages Work in Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:09 am

Dynamic pages are those that are automatically generated by the Wix platform based on the information and content you input. For instance, if you’re creating a website for a school, the dynamic pages would be created based on the information input about each school.

To create a dynamic page, you first need to choose a template that has dynamic page functionality. Once you’ve selected the template, you can then begin inputting the content that will be used to generate the dynamic pages. The content can be anything from text to images to videos. Once you’ve inputted all the content, you can then save and publish the page.


Exciting update! We've collaborated with Wix to offer WBI users with a free plan for all website creation needs - Explore the details here.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with HTML or programming, we do not recommend that you try to edit the code of your Wix site. This includes adding or removing code from your site’s pages. Doing so can result in your site breaking and being unavailable.

The advantage of using dynamic pages is that they’re much easier to maintain and update than static pages.

With static pages, you would need to manually update each page every time there’s new content or information. With dynamic pages, however, the platform will automatically update the pages for you. This means that you can easily add and remove content without having to worry about manually updating each page.

How Does Dynamic Pages Work in Wix?

Dynamic pages are those that are automatically generated by the Wix platform based on the information and content you input. To create a dynamic page, you first need to choose a template that has dynamic page functionality.

The advantage of using dynamic pages is that they’re much easier to maintain and update than static pages. With static pages, you would need to manually update each page every time there’s new content or information. With dynamic pages, however, the platform will automatically update the pages for you. This means that you can easily add and remove content without having to worry about manually updating each page.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.