Web Development » Fiverr » How Does Fiverr Timer Work?

How Does Fiverr Timer Work?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 11:12 pm

Fiverr is a great platform for freelancers who offer services starting at just $5. But how does the Fiverr timer work?

When you create a gig on Fiverr, you can set the delivery time to anywhere from 1 to 30 days. Once a buyer purchases your gig, the timer starts ticking. You have that amount of time to deliver the gig.

PRO TIP: This article is about the Fiverr timer and how it works. If you are not familiar with the Fiverr timer, please read this article carefully before proceeding. The Fiverr timer is a tool that helps freelancers keep track of their time and budget. It is a simple and effective way to ensure that you do not overspend on your projects. However, there are a few things you should know about the Fiverr timer before using it.

First, the Fiverr timer only works for projects that are posted on the website. If you are working on a project that is not posted on the website, the timer will not work. Second, the Fiverr timer is not a perfect tool. It will not always accurately reflect the amount of time you have worked on a project. Finally, if you use the Fiverr timer, you should still keep track of your own time so that you can billing accurately.

If you don’t deliver the gig within the specified time frame, the buyer can request a refund through customer support.

It’s important to note that even if you deliver the gig late, the timer will still show that you delivered it late. This could hurt your chances of getting repeat buyers or positive reviews, so it’s best to deliver your gigs on time, or even early if possible.

The Fiverr timer is a great way to keep both buyers and sellers accountable. It protects buyers by ensuring they receive their gigs on time, and it protects sellers by giving them a set amount of time to deliver the gig.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.