Website Building » Shopify » How Does Shopify Integrate With Etsy for Free?

How Does Shopify Integrate With Etsy for Free?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 4:14 am

Shopify is a platform that lets you create your own online store. You can use Shopify to sell online, in-person, or both. Etsy is an online marketplace for handmade and vintage items. You can use Etsy to sell items that you make yourself, or vintage items that you have found and restored. You can also use Etsy to sell digital products, like printable art or fonts. If you want to use Shopify to sell items that you list on Etsy, you can do so using the Shopify Etsy Integration app.

This app is free to install, and it will let you connect your Shopify store to your Etsy shop. Once the two are connected, you can manage your listings from your Shopify admin. You can also choose to have your orders fulfilled by Shopify, or by Etsy. If you fulfill orders through Shopify, you will need to set up shipping rates in your Shopify admin. If you fulfill orders through Etsy, Etsy will calculate the shipping rates for you.

The Shopify Etsy Integration app is a great way to connect your Shopify store with your Etsy shop. This app is free to install, and it will let you connect your Shopify store to your Etsy shop.

You can also choose to have your orders fulfilled by Shopify, or by Etsy.

The app is available here:

How Does Shopify Integrate With Etsy for Free?

TheShopify Etsy Integrationapp is available for free and allows users who own both aShopifystore and anEtsyaccount to integrate the two platforms.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the article “How Does Shopify Integrate With Etsy for Free?” may contain outdated or inaccurate information.

Doing so gives users the ability to manage their listings from a single platform as well as take advantage ofShopify’sfulfillment features.

How It Works

  1. After installing the app, users will be prompted to sign in with theirEtsyaccount credentials.
  2. Once logged in, they’ll be asked whichEtsyaccount they want to connect with theirShopifystore.
  3. After selecting an account, users will be taken through a series of permissions screens in order grant the app access.

After granting access, users will be redirected back into theirShopifyadmin where they’ll be able t o view theirEtsylistings within a new “Etsy” tab.

From here they’ll be able topull in new listings as well as make changes (e .g . price , quantity , etc .) directly from theirShopifyshop.

Any changes made on either platform will automatically sync with the other — meaning users only have t o manage their inventory in one place.

Best of all , integratingShopifywithEtsyisn’t going t o put any limits on what users can sell in their shops.

So whether users are looking t o move all of theirEtsyproducts over t oShopif yor just want t o keep things running on both platforms , this integration makes it possible .

The integration betweenShopifyandEtsyis a great way for users who own both platforms t o take advantage of each one’s unique features . By integrating the two , users are able t o manage all of their listings from a single platform as well as take advantage ofShopifyshipping features .

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.