Website Building » Shopify » How Is WooCommerce Different From Shopify?

How Is WooCommerce Different From Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:20 pm

Shopify is a hosted platform, which means that you don’t have to worry about hosting fees or managing your own server. WooCommerce, on the other hand, is a self-hosted platform. This means that you’ll need to take care of your own hosting and manage your own server.

Shopify is also a closed platform, which means that only Shopify can make changes to the platform. WooCommerce, on the other hand, is an open-source platform. This means that anyone can make changes to the code and customize the platform to their needs.

PRO TIP: While WooCommerce and Shopify are both ecommerce platforms, they have different features and capabilities. WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that allows you to turn your WordPress website into an online store. Shopify is a stand-alone ecommerce platform that provides everything you need to create an online store.

WooCommerce is less expensive than Shopify, but it requires more technical knowledge to set up and manage. Shopify is easy to use but has monthly fees.

Shopify is a subscription-based platform, which means you’ll need to pay a monthly fee to use it. WooCommerce is a free platform, which means you can use it without paying any monthly fees.

Finally, Shopify has its own set of features and apps. WooCommerce doesn’t have its own set of features and apps but instead integrates with existing WordPress plugins.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.