Web Development » Fiverr » How Long Can a Fiverr Video Be?

How Long Can a Fiverr Video Be?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:29 pm

When it comes to videos on Fiverr, the question of how long they can be is a common one. The answer, however, is not as cut and dry as one might hope.

While there are some guidelines in place, ultimately it is up to the discretion of the user as to how long their videos can be. Here is a breakdown of what you need to know about video length on Fiverr.

The Basics

When it comes to video length, there are really only two hard and fast rules that Fiverr has in place. The first is that all videos must be at least 30 seconds long.

This is to ensure that users are able to provide a decent amount of information in their videos. The second rule is that videos cannot be longer than 5 minutes. This is to ensure that users are not overloading others with too much information at once.

The Discretionary Rule

In addition to the two rules above, there is also a discretionary rule in place when it comes to video length. This rule states that users should use their best judgement when it comes to deciding how long their videos should be. Ultimately, the goal is to provide enough information without boring or overwhelming viewers.

How Long Should My Video Be?

So, now that you know the rules and guidelines in place for video length on Fiverr, you may be wondering how long your video should actually be. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this question.

It really depends on the type of information you are trying to communicate and how best to do so. If you are unsure, err on the side of shorter rather than longer. You can always add more information in subsequent videos.

In conclusion, while there are some guidelines in place for video length on Fiverr, ultimately it is up to the discretion of the user as to how long their videos can be. The most important thing is to provide enough information without boring or overwhelming viewers.

PRO TIP: A Fiverr video can be no longer than 2 minutes and 30 seconds. If a video is longer than this, it may be rejected by Fiverr.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.