Web Development » Fiverr » How Long Does It Take Fiverr to Review Your Gig?

How Long Does It Take Fiverr to Review Your Gig?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 11:14 pm

If you’re a freelancer on Fiverr, you might be wondering how long it takes for the site to review and approve your gig. The answer is that it depends on a few factors, but generally speaking, it shouldn’t take more than a few days.

One of the factors that can affect the review time is the complexity of your gig. If you’re offering a simple service that doesn’t require much review, it will likely be approved relatively quickly.

However, if you’re offering a more complex service or product, it might take a bit longer for the Fiverr team to fully assess your offering.

PRO TIP: If you are considering using Fiverr to sell your services, be aware that it can take up to 24 hours for your gig to be reviewed and approved. This process is necessary in order to ensure that all gigs on the site meet the high standards that Fiverr has set. Once your gig is approved, it will be visible to potential buyers who can then purchase your services.

Another factor that can affect review time is the current workload of the Fiverr team. If they are currently processing a lot of gigs, it might take them longer to get to yours.

However, if you submit your gig during a slow period, it will likely be reviewed more quickly.

Generally speaking, you should expect your gig to be reviewed within a few days. If it’s been more than a week and you haven’t heard anything, you can contact customer support to inquire about the status of your gig.

How long does it take Fiverr to review your gig? It depends on a few factors but generally speaking, it shouldn’t take more than a few days.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.