Web Development » UpWork » How Long Does It Take to Get Approved on UpWork?

How Long Does It Take to Get Approved on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 12:26 pm

When you’re new to UpWork, you may wonder how long it will take to get approved as a freelancer. The answer depends on a few factors, including the quality of your profile and the types of jobs you’re applying for.

If you have a strong profile and you’re applying for jobs that are a good match for your skills, you may be approved within a few days. However, if your profile needs some work or you’re applying for jobs that are less likely to be a good match for your skills, it may take a week or more to get approved.

There are a few things you can do to improve your chances of getting approved quickly:

  • Make sure your profile is complete. Include information about your work history, education, skills, and anything else that would help potential clients understand what you can do.
  • Choose the right job categories and subcategories. When you’re browsing jobs, pay attention to the job categories and subcategories that are listed.

    Make sure you’re applying for jobs that are a good match for your skills.

  • Take the UpWork Readiness Test. This test is designed to help freelancers understand what it takes to be successful on UpWork. It’s not required, but taking it can help you understand what clients are looking for and how to improve your chances of getting hired.

Keep in mind that even if it takes a little longer to get approved on UpWork, it’s worth taking the time to do things right. Once you’re approved, you’ll have access to thousands of potential clients from all over the world.

PRO TIP: If you’re considering using Upwork to find freelance work, you may be wondering about the approval process. Upwork is a popular platform, but it can be tough to get approved as a freelancer. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to improve your chances of getting approved on Upwork.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.