Web Development » UpWork » How Long Does It Take to Get Paid in UpWork?

How Long Does It Take to Get Paid in UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 12:26 pm

There are a variety of factors that can affect how long it takes to get paid through UpWork. In general, however, payments are made fairly quickly and smoothly.

One of the primary factors that can affect payment processing time is the method of payment that is being used. For example, payments made through PayPal generally take less time to process than those made through direct bank transfer. Additionally, payments made using UpWork’s “Quick Pay” feature will also generally be processed more quickly than other methods.

PRO TIP: In Upwork, it can take up to two weeks for your client to approve your work and release payment. If you’re new to Upwork or have a low job success score, your payments may be held in escrow until you complete more work and build up your reputation. Be sure to communicate with your client and keep an eye on your job success score to avoid any delays in getting paid.

Another factor that can impact payment processing time is the timing of the request. UpWork will typically process payments within 24 hours of the request being made. However, if the request is made on a weekend or holiday, it may take slightly longer for the payment to be processed.

Overall, UpWork is a fairly quick and efficient way to get paid for your work. While there are a few factors that can impact payment processing time, in general, payments are made fairly quickly and without much hassle.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.