Website Building » Wix » How Long Does It Take to Transfer a Domain From Shopify to Wix?

How Long Does It Take to Transfer a Domain From Shopify to Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:58 am

When you’re ready to make the switch from Shopify to Wix, the process is pretty straightforward. You can either transfer your domain directly through Shopify, or you can do it yourself through Wix.

If you’re transferring your domain directly through Shopify, the process should take about 48 hours. Once the transfer is complete, your domain will be registered with Wix and you’ll be able to start using it right away.


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PRO TIP: Warning:

Shopify and Wix are two different platforms with different hosting and domain structures. It is not recommended to transfer a domain from one platform to the other, as it can result in domain and hosting issues.

If you’re doing the transfer yourself, the process will take a bit longer. First, you’ll need to unlock your domain at Shopify.

Then, you’ll need to get a authorization code from Shopify (this can be done through their support team). Once you have the authorization code, you’ll be able to start the transfer process at Wix. The whole process should take about 5-7 days.

Once your domain is transferred over to Wix, you’ll be able to enjoy all the benefits that come with having a Wix website!

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.