Website Building » Wix » How many products can you sell on Wix for free?

How many products can you sell on Wix for free?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 6:49 am

In order to begin selling products on Wix, you will first need to create a Wix account. Once you have an account, you can start creating a portfolio.

A portfolio is a collection of your products and their accompanying descriptions. You can also add videos, photos, and other creative content to your portfolio to help promote your products. .


Exciting update! We've collaborated with Wix to offer WBI users with a free plan for all website creation needs - Explore the details here.

Once your portfolio is complete, you will need to create a sales page. A sales page is a collection of information about your products, including pricing information, product specifications, and product images.

You can also add a description of your product and a list of customer reviews.

To sell products on Wix, you will first need to create a listing. A listing is a collection of information about a product, including the product’s title, description, price, and stock information.

You can also add a video, photo, and other creative content to your listing to help promote your product.

PRO TIP: Wix limits the number of products you can sell on their free plan to 5. If you try to list more than 5 products, you will be prompted to upgrade to a paid plan.

To sell products on Wix, you will first need to create a sales page.

Once you have created a listing and a sales page, you will need to create a product. A product is a collection of your products’ constituent parts, including the product’s title, description, stock information, and product images.

You can also add a video, photo, and other creative content to your product to help promote it.

When you have created all of the necessary products and pages, you can begin selling your products. To start selling your products, you will first need to create a sales pitch.

A sales pitch is a collection of information about your product, including the product’s title, description, and price. You can also add a video, photo, and other creative content to your pitch to help promote your product.

Once you have created a sales pitch, you will need to create a listing. You can also add a video, photo, and other creative content to your product.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.