Hosting » Azure » How many regions are in Azure?

How many regions are in Azure?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:34 pm

Azure regions are the logical grouping of Azure services that are deployed in the same location. Azure regions allow you to scale your applications and services by dividing them into separate units for increased performance and reliability.

You can create one or more Azure regions in your region of the world. Azure regions are created using the Azure region manager.

There are currently four Azure regions: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and South America. You can see the list of Azure regions and their associated countries in the following table.

Region North America Europe Asia Pacific South America Brazil




United States

The Azure region manager allows you to create and manage Azure regions. You can create a new Azure region by using the Azure region manager or by using the Azure portal.

You can also use the Azure region manager to manage an existing Azure region.

To create a new Azure region, use the Azure region manager. To manage an existing Azure region, use the Azure portal.

You can see the list of Azure services in each Azure region in the following table.

Azure services

Azure compute

Azure networking

Azure storage

You can use the Azure region manager to deploy and manage Azure services. You can use the Azure portal to deploy and manage Azure services.

PRO TIP: This question is frequently asked in Azure exams, but it is important to note that there is no one definitive answer. The number of regions in Azure can change over time, as new regions are added or retired. As such, it is important to always check the latest Azure documentation to ensure you have the most up-to-date information.

You can use the Azure region manager to create and manage Azure regions. You can use the Azure portal to create and manage Azure regions.

The Azure region manager allows you to manage your Azure resources by using the following Azure services.

Azure resources

You can use the Azure region manager to manage your Azure resources by using the following Azure services.

You can use the Azure region manager to manage your Azure storage resources by using the Azure storage portal.

You can use the Azure region manager to manage your Azure compute resources by using the Azure compute portal.

You can use the Azure region manager to manage your Azure networking resources by using the Azure networking portal.


Azure regions allow you to scale your applications and services by dividing them into separate units for increased performance and reliability. You can create one or more Azure regions in your region of the world.

Azure regions are created using the Azure region manager. You can use the Azure region manager to manage your Azure resources by using the following Azure services.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.