Website Building » Shopify » How Many Staff Accounts Can I Have on Shopify?

How Many Staff Accounts Can I Have on Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:25 pm

You can have an unlimited number of staff accounts on Shopify, which is great news if you’re running a large business with multiple employees. Each staff member can have their own login, which gives them access to different areas of the Shopify admin depending on their permissions. For example, you could have a staff member who only has access to the orders section, or another staff member who can access everything.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about opening multiple staff accounts on Shopify, be aware that each account will be charged a monthly fee. Additionally, each account will have its own login credentials, so be sure to keep track of them all.

The number of staff accounts you can have is only limited by your plan. If you’re on the Basic Shopify plan, then you can have up to 2 staff accounts. The Shopify plan allows up to 5 staff accounts, and the Advanced Shopify plan has no limit on the number of staff accounts you can have.

So if you’re wondering “how many staff accounts can I have on Shopify”, the answer is that it depends on your particular plan. But regardless of which plan you’re on, you’ll be able to add as many staff members as you need to help run your business.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.