Website Building » Wix » How Many Videos Can You Upload to Wix?

How Many Videos Can You Upload to Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:12 am

You can upload an unlimited number of videos to Wix. You can store them all in your Media Manager and then embed them onto pages and posts on your site. There is no limit to how many videos you can have on your website.

To add a video to your site, first go to the Media Manager. Then click the “Add Video” button and select the video file you want to upload.


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Once the video has been uploaded, you can embed it onto any page or post on your website by clicking the “Embed” button.

You can also add a video from YouTube or Vimeo by clicking the “Add from URL” button in the Media Manager. Simply enter the URL of the video you want to add and click “OK.” The video will be added to your site and can be embedded onto any page or post.

Whether you’re using your own videos or videos from YouTube or Vimeo, adding videos to your Wix website is easy and there are no limits on how many you can have.

Adding videos to your Wix website is easy and there are no limits on how many you can have. You can upload an unlimited number of videos and store them all in your Media Manager.

Then, embed them onto pages and posts on your site as needed. This makes it easy to add rich media content to your website without having to worry about storage space or file size limits.

PRO TIP: You should be aware that Wix has limits on how many videos you can upload. If you try to upload too many videos, you may be blocked from uploading any more.
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.