Website Building » Shopify » How Many Websites Are Powered by Shopify?

How Many Websites Are Powered by Shopify?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 4:17 am

Shopify is a platform for businesses of all sizes to create an online store. It offers users a customizable platform, an easy-to-use checkout process, and a wide range of features. As of 2019, Shopify powers over 1,000,000 businesses in 175 countries.

Shopify is the most popular ecommerce platform on the planet. Over 1,000,000 businesses in 175 countries are powered by Shopify. That’s a lot of businesses!

Why are so many businesses using Shopify? There are several reasons:

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  • Shopify is easy to use. You don’t need to be a tech expert to build a beautiful online store. Shopify’s simple interface and drag-and-drop editor make it easy for anyone to create a professional-looking website.
  • Shopify is customizable. With Shopify, you can create a unique website that reflects your brand. There are hundreds of themes to choose from, and if you want more control over the look and feel of your site, you can always hire a Shopify Expert to customize your theme.
  • Shopify offers powerful features. With Shopify, you can take advantage of powerful features like automatic tax calculations, abandoned cart recovery, and product reviews. And if you need even more functionality, you can always add apps from the Shopify App Store.

So how many websites are powered by Shopify? A lot! Over 1,000,000 businesses in 175 countries are using Shopify to power their online stores.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.