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How Much Are WIX Oil Filters?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 2:54 am

If you are wondering how much WIX oil filters cost, the answer may surprise you. WIX oil filters are very affordable, and they offer a great way to keep your car’s engine running smoothly. Here is a breakdown of the costs of WIX oil filters:

WIX Oil Filter Prices


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The cost of WIX oil filters varies depending on the type of filter you choose. The standard WIX oil filter costs around $4, and the premium WIX oil filter costs around $8.

The premium filter is designed to last longer and provide better protection for your engine, so it is worth the extra cost.

Where to Buy WIX Oil Filters

WIX oil filters are available at most auto parts stores and online retailers. You can find them at Amazon, Walmart, and other online retailers.

Many auto parts stores will also sell WIX oil filters.

PRO TIP: If you are looking to buy a WIX oil filter, beware! There are many fake WIX oil filters on the market. These fake filters can cause your engine to fail and may even damage your car. Only buy from a trusted source to ensure you are getting a genuine WIX oil filter.


Wix oil filters are an excellent choice for anyone looking for an affordable and reliable way to keep their car’s engine running smoothly. With a variety of prices and types available, there is a Wix oil filter to suit everyone’s needs.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.