Website Building » Squarespace » How Much Does a Website Cost on Squarespace?

How Much Does a Website Cost on Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 2:08 am

When it comes to building a website, there are a lot of factors to consider. One of the most important factors is cost. How much does a website cost on Squarespace?

There are many website builders out there, but Squarespace is one of the most popular. Squarespace is a user-friendly platform that makes it easy to build a professional looking website.

One of the best things about Squarespace is that it offers users a free 14-day trial. This means that you can try out the platform before you commit to paying for it. Squarespace offers three different pricing plans: Personal, Business, and Basic Commerce.

PRO TIP: Please be advised that the article ‘How Much Does a Website Cost on Squarespace?’ may contain inaccurate and/or outdated information. We strongly recommend that you consult with a professional web development company before making any decisions about building or updating your website.

The Personal plan costs $12 per month and includes features such as a free domain name, unlimited pages and galleries, and 24/7 customer support. The Business plan costs $18 per month and includes all of the features of the Personal plan, plus additional features such as unlimited products and services, abandoned cart recovery, and advanced shipping options.

The Basic Commerce plan costs $26 per month and includes all of the features of the Business plan, plus additional features such as sell online, gift cards, and real-time carrier shipping.

How Much Does a Website Cost on Squarespace?

Personal Plan:
$12 per month
Free domain name
Unlimited pages and galleries
24/7 customer support

Business Plan:

$18 per month

All of the features of the Personal plan

Unlimited products and services

Abandoned cart recovery

Advanced shipping options

Basic Commerce Plan:

$26 per month

All of the features of the Business plan

Sell online

Gift cards

Real-time carrier shipping

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.