Hosting » Azure » How much does Azure cosmos DB cost?

How much does Azure cosmos DB cost?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:22 pm

Azure cosmos DB is a highly scalable, durable and reliable NoSQL database that offers the flexibility and scale to support a wide range of applications. Azure cosmos DB is generally available in the US, UK, Germany, and China, with additional regions and countries coming soon.

Azure Cosmos DB is a monthly subscription service with pricing options that give you the flexibility to scale your database as needed. Azure Cosmos DB Basic is a pay-as-you-go database that provides instant access to your data with no upfront cost.

PRO TIP: Azure Cosmos DB is a powerful and flexible database service that offers global distribution, horizontal scaling, and automatic indexing. However, because of these features, it can be expensive to use. Before using Azure Cosmos DB, be sure to understand the cost implications of the service.

Azure Cosmos DB Standard offers a more affordable option that offers unlimited data capacity, throughput and durability. Azure Cosmos DB Premier offers the highest level of performance and scale with a one-time upfront cost.

Overall, Azure cosmos DB is a great choice for businesses that need a durable, scalable and reliable NoSQL database. Its pricing options make it affordable for small businesses and enterprises, and its performance and scale make it a great choice for larger businesses.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.