Website Building » Squarespace » How Much Does It Cost to Build a Squarespace Site?

How Much Does It Cost to Build a Squarespace Site?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:16 pm

When it comes to website building, Squarespace is one of the most popular platforms around. And for good reason – it’s user-friendly, has a wide range of features and integrations, and is backed by excellent customer support.

But how much does it actually cost to build a Squarespace site? The answer, as with most things in life, is that it depends.

There are four main factors that will affect the cost of your Squarespace site:

PRO TIP: The cost of building a Squarespace site can vary depending on a number of factors. If you are using a pre-built theme, your costs may be lower than if you are customizing your site from scratch. Additionally, the cost of your domain name and hosting will play a role in the overall cost of your Squarespace site.
  • The features you need: Squarespace offers a range of features, from simple blogging to ecommerce and everything in between. The more features you need, the more expensive your site will be.
  • Your design: Squarespace offers a wide range of beautiful templates, but if you want something truly unique, you’ll need to hire a designer.

    Design costs can vary widely, so it’s worth shopping around to find a good deal.

  • Your domain name: If you don’t already have a domain name, you’ll need to purchase one. Domain names typically cost around $10-15 per year.
  • Your hosting: Squarespace hosting is included in the price of your subscription, so you don’t need to worry about extra hosting costs. However, if you decide to cancel your Squarespace account, you will need to find new hosting for your site.

So how much does all this add up to? A basic Squarespace site with no custom design or extras will start at around $12 per month.

A more feature-rich site with custom design could cost closer to $50 per month. And if you’re running an online store, you can expect to pay at least $26 per month.


In conclusion, the cost of building a Squarespace site can vary depending on your needs and wants. A basic site may start as low as $12 per month while a more feature-rich site could be upwards of $50 per month. If you plan on running an online store, expect to pay at least $26 per month.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.