Website Building » Wix » How Much Does Wix Marketplace Cost?

How Much Does Wix Marketplace Cost?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:12 am

Wix Marketplace is a platform where you can buy and sell services and products. It is a great way to start and grow your business.


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There are no listing fees, and you can set your own prices. You can also offer discounts and coupons to attract buyers.

You can sell digital products, such as e-books, audio files, and videos. You can also sell physical products, such as clothes, jewelry, and art.

If you have a service to offer, such as website design or SEO, you can list it on Wix Marketplace.

When a buyer purchases one of your products or services, you will receive an email notification. You can then log into your Wix account to view the order details.

Once the buyer has received the product or service and is satisfied, they will leave a review.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about using Wix Marketplace to sell products or services, be aware that there is a cost associated with doing so. Wix charges a commission on each sale made through the marketplace, so you will need to factor this into your pricing. Additionally, Wix may also charge listing fees for certain products or services. Be sure to check with Wix before signing up for the marketplace to avoid any unexpected costs.

The cost of Wix Marketplace depends on what you’re selling. If you’re selling digital products, there are no transaction fees.

If you’re selling physical products, there is a 3% transaction fee. And if you’re selling services, there is a 5% transaction fee. So, the cost of Wix Marketplace really depends on what type of product or service you’re selling.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.