Web Development » UpWork » How Much of Your Pay Does UpWork Take?

How Much of Your Pay Does UpWork Take?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 8:52 pm

If you’re a freelancer, you’re probably always on the lookout for new and better ways to find work and get paid. One platform that has become increasingly popular in recent years is UpWork.

UpWork is a website that connects businesses with freelancers for all sorts of different projects. But how does it work, and how much of your pay does UpWork take?

UpWork is a website that connects businesses with freelancers for all sorts of different projects. Businesses post their project on the site, and then freelancers can bid on the project.

Once the business chooses a freelancer, the two parties work out the details of the project between themselves. UpWork does not get involved in these negotiations.

Once the project is completed, the freelancer submits it to UpWork. The business then has seven days to approve the work. If they approve it, UpWork releases the funds to the freelancer. If they don’t approve it, the freelancer can submit a revision.

Once the revision is approved, UpWork releases the funds to the freelancer. If the business still isn’t happy, they can request a refund from UpWork, and UpWork will mediate between the business and freelancer to try to reach a resolution.

So how much of your pay does UpWork take? Well, that depends on a few different factors. For one thing, it depends on whether you’re a hourly worker or a fixed-price worker. Hourly workers are charged a 20% fee by UpWork, while fixed-price workers are charged a 10% fee.

However, if you’re a top-rated freelancer with over $500 in earnings each month, your fee will only be 5%. And if you pay for any additional services provided by UpWork (like connect fees or subscription fees), those fees are charged on top of your regular fee.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about using Upwork to find work, be aware that the company takes a percentage of your pay. Upwork takes 20% of your first $500 in earnings, and 10% of earnings after that. This can add up to a significant amount of money, so make sure you factor this in when pricing your services.

So there you have it! That’s how UpWork works and how much of your pay they take. If you’re looking for a new way to find work and get paid, give them a try!

How Much of Your Pay Does UpWork Take?

UpWork is a great way to connect with businesses who need projects completed quickly and efficiently.

The amount that UpWork takes from your pay depends on several different factors:

  • Hourly vs. Fixed-Price:

If you’re an hourly worker, 20% will be taken from each payment you receive.

  • Top-Rated Freelancers:

(Those who have earned over $500 in one month) only have 5% taken from each payment.

  • Subscription Fees:

These are charged in addition to your regular fee.

  • Additional Services Offered by UpWork:
(Like Connect Fees or Subscription Fees) – These are also charged in addition to your regular fee.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.