Web Development » Fiverr » How much should I pay for a logo on Fiverr?

How much should I pay for a logo on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:36 pm

When it comes to creating a logo for your business, there are many options available on Fiverr. Prices for logos range from $5 to $200, but the average cost is around $40. However, the quality of the logo you receive will largely depend on the skills of the designer. If you are looking for a basic logo, then a price of $5 to $10 is likely to be sufficient.

PRO TIP: When looking for a logo designer on Fiverr, be aware that many designers will low-ball their prices in order to get your business. This means that you may end up paying less than you would for a logo from a professional design firm. However, it also means that you may not get the level of quality or service that you would expect. Be sure to read reviews and look at examples of the designer’s previous work before selecting someone to design your logo.

If you are looking for a more complex or high-quality logo, then you may need to spend more. In general, it is advisable to spend between $10 and $50 for a quality logo.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.