Web Development » UpWork » How Often Do I Get Paid on UpWork?

How Often Do I Get Paid on UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:39 pm

As a freelancer, you’re in control of when you work and how much you work, which means you’re also in control of when you get paid. While some clients may be able to offer immediate payment, most will require you to submit an invoice at the end of each week or month for the work you’ve completed.

As soon as you complete a task or project, you can submit an invoice to your client for payment. Once your client approves the invoice, UpWork will release the funds to your account according to the schedule you’ve set up.

You can be paid hourly or by the project, and you can choose to be paid weekly or monthly. If you’re working with a client on an hourly basis, you’ll need to submit a weekly timesheet detailing the hours worked.

For project-based payments, invoices are typically submitted at the end of the project.

PRO TIP: If you are new to Upwork, you may be wondering how often you will get paid. The answer is that it depends on the client and the project. Some clients may want to pay you weekly, while others may want to pay you monthly. It is important to discuss payment terms with your client before starting work on a project.

Most clients will pay through UpWork’s secure payment system, which means funds are released into your account as soon as the client approves your invoice. However, some clients may request that you be paid through PayPal or another external payment method.

In these cases, payments will be processed according to the schedule set up by the client.

How Often Do I Get Paid on UpWork?

You are in control of when you work and how much you work, which means that you are also in control of when you get paid as a freelancer. While some clients may offer immediate payment, most clients will require that you submit an invoice at the end of each week or month for the work that has been completed.

As soon as you complete a task or project, you can submit an invoice to your client for payment. Once your client approves the invoice, UpWork will release the funds into your account according to the schedule that has been set up.

You have the ability to be paid hourly or by the project, and you can elect to receive payments weekly or monthly. If working with a client on an hourly basis, a weekly timesheet needs to be submitted that details all hours worked.

For project-based payments, invoices are typically submitted at the end of the project. Most clients will pay through UpWork’s secure payment system; however, some clients may request that payment be made through PayPal or another external payment method.

In cases where payments are processed through an external payment method, payments will still be made according to the schedule set up by the client.


In conclusion, as a freelancer working with UpWork, you are in control of when you work and how much work is completed, which means that payments are also received based on your efforts.

Most payments are processed quickly and securely through Upwork; however, some clients may request external payment methods which could result in a delay of receiving compensation for services rendered.

As long as clear communication is maintained between both parties involved and schedules are adhered to; working with UpWork is a great way earn money while being in control of your own time!

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.