Website Building » Weebly » How to Add Search Box in Weebly?

How to Add Search Box in Weebly?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 3:15 pm

Weebly is a website builder that allows its users to create and design a website without having to write any code. The Weebly platform is based on a drag-and-drop system, which makes it easy to add content and design your website without having to touch a single line of code.

One of the most useful features of Weebly is the ability to add a search box to your website. This can be done in two ways:

Option 1: Use the Weebly Search Box element.

The Weebly Search Box element can be found in the Weebly Editor under the “More” tab. Once you have added the element to your page, you can customize it to match the look and feel of your website. You can also specify what type of search you want to use: site search or Google Custom Search.

PRO TIP: Weebly is a popular web-building platform that allows users to create custom websites without having to write code. One feature that Weebly offers is the ability to add a search box to your site. However, there are some potential dangers associated with adding a search box to your Weebly site.

First of all, if you add a search box to your Weebly site, anyone who visits your site will be able to search the entire contents of your site. This means that if you have any confidential or sensitive information on your site, it could be exposed if someone searches for it using the search box.

Secondly, adding a search box to your Weebly site will allow Google and other search engines to index the contents of your site more easily. This could lead to more people finding and visiting your site, but it could also mean that people are more likely to find outdated or inaccurate information on your site.

Finally, you should be aware that Weebly’s terms of service prohibit users from adding certain types of content to their sites, including pornography, hate speech, and illegal content. If you add a search box to your Weebly site, make sure that the content on your site does not violate Weeb

Option 2: Use HTML to add a search box.

If you’re comfortable working with HTML, you can add a search box to your Weebly site by embedding some code into your page. Google provides a Custom Search Engine that you can use for this purpose.

To get started, create a new Custom Search Engine and then get the code for the search box. Once you have the code, go to the Weebly Editor and click on the “HTML” button. Paste the code into the HTML editor and then save your changes.


Adding a search box to your Weebly site is easy and can be done in two ways: by using the Weebly Search Box element or by using HTML. If you’re comfortable working with HTML, then adding a search box using HTML is the way to go. Otherwise, using the Weebly Search Box element is an easier option.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.