Web Design » Canva » How Do You Cite Canva in 2024? Full Easy Guide

How Do You Cite Canva in 2024? Full Easy Guide

Last updated on February 7, 2024 @ 1:31 pm

When utilizing Canva for commercial purposes or for designs intended for sale, it’s important to properly attribute Canva through a copyright notice. This notice should encompass the name ‘Canva’, the date when the design was crafted, and your name as the creator. An example of such a notice would be:

“Design created using Canva on [Date of Creation], by [Your Name].”

This ensures proper recognition and adherence to copyright guidelines when using Canva’s resources for commercial or resale purposes.

Commercial purposes

Canva is an online graphic design tool that allows users to create beautiful images and graphics for social media, websites, marketing materials, or any other purpose. You can use it to make infographics or charts that are both beautiful and easy to read.

Copyright Notice

This design was created on Canva.com on [date]. It is copyrighted by [your name] and may not be reproduced without permission.

In this example, we’ll cite the image above using APA format:


[Your name]. ([date]).[Design title]. Retrieved from https://www.canva.com/design/[design URL]

Educational purposes

If you are using a design from Canva for educational purposes, you can cite Canva in your paper or presentation. For example:

Copyright Notice

It is copyrighted by [your name] and may not be reproduced without permission.

In this example, we’ll cite the image above using MLA format ( MLA style guide), the most commonly accepted citation format in academic writing circles.


[Title] (if applicable). [Author]. [Type of work (e.g., Map, chart) (if applicable)]. [Source (Title of site/database)]. [Date published or updated (if available), URL]. [Date of access (if applicable)[.

To summarize, the following elements should be included in your citation:

  • Title (if applicable).
  • Author.
  • Type of work (e.g., Map, chart).
  • Source (Title of site/database).
  • Date published or updated (if available), URL, and date accessed or downloaded by you as the user.

What to do if you are using Images from Flickr or Instagram in your Canva designs

If you’re using a photo from Flickr or Instagram that’s not licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY), you need to cite it as well properly. But how do you know if it’s under Creative Commons attribution?

After carefully choosing and clicking an image from Flickr, scroll a little downward and look on the right side where you can see a note that says, “Some rights reserved” (see photos below). That indicates that the image needs to be given attribution.

flickr photo with copyrights notice

When you click on that notice, you’ll be redirected to Creative Commons, which fully indicates the terms within that specific license.

creative commons attribution 2.0

In order to do the attribution properly, specify whose photo it is and where you found it online in order to credit them properly as well!

Be sure to include both their name/brand/website address so readers know where they can find more information about what they’re looking at right now! You may also want to provide links back here, so people know where else these images are available online; make sure there aren’t any typos anywhere else on our site, too, since those will distract users from seeing how beautiful our designs really are.

PRO TIP: If you are using Canva to create images for your website or blog, be aware that you must attribute the image’s source properly. Canva provides a link to the original image on its website, but you need to make sure to include this link when you share the image. Otherwise, you could be accused of copyright infringement.


The Canva website has many great resources that can help you cite your work and show off what you’ve accomplished. If you want to use this tool online, it works well for social media too! Check out the site for more information about how Canva can be a useful tool when making content available on the Internet.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.