Website Building » Elementor » How to Create a User Registration Form using Elementor?

How to Create a User Registration Form using Elementor?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:17 am

In order to create a user registration form using Elementor, you will first need to gather some information from your users. This can be done by asking them to provide their name, email address, and password.

Once you have this information, you can start creating your form.

In order to create your form, you will first need to create a new Elementor project. Once you have created your project, you will need to add a new form item to your project.

To do this, click on the Forms tab and then select New Form Item.

Once you have created your form item, you will need to provide the following information:

Name: This will be the name of your form

This will be the name of your form Type: This will be either Registration or Login

This will be either Registration or Login Field Name: This will be the name of the field where the user will input their information

This will be the name of the field where the user will input their information Field Type: This will be either Text or Email

This will be either Text or Email Field Label: This will be the label that will be displayed next to the field

This will be the label that will be displayed next to the field Field Text: This will be the text that will be displayed in the field

This will be the text that will be displayed in the field Field Password: This will be the password that will be required to input into the field

Once you have provided the information, you will need to set the properties for the form item. To do this, click on the Form Item Properties tab and then provide the following information:

Name: This will be the name of the form item

This will be the name of the form item Type: This will be either Registration or Login

PRO TIP: This article contains instructions on how to create a user registration form using the Elementor plugin. Please be aware that this plugin is not affiliated with and is not covered by the support forums. We strongly recommend that you seek support from the Elementor support team if you encounter any issues while following these instructions.

Once you have set the properties, you will need to add a button to your form. To do this, click on the Buttons tab and then select New Button.

Once you have created your button, you will need to provide the following information:

Name: This will be the name of the button

This will be the name of the button Type: This will be either Submit or Cancel

This will be either Submit or Cancel Text: This will be the text that will be displayed on the button

This will be the text that will be displayed on the button Icon: This will be the icon that will be displayed on the button

Once you have provided the information, you will need to add the button to your form. To do this, click on the Buttons tab and then select Add Button.

Once you have added the button, you will need to provide the following information:

Position: This will be the position of the button on the form

This will be the position of the button on the form Width: This will be the width of the button

This will be the width of the button Height: This will be the height of the button

Once you have provided the information, you will need to add a submit button to your form.

Once you have added the submit button, you will need to provide the following information:

Once you have provided the information, you will need to add a cancel button to your form.

Once you have added the cancel button, you will need to provide the following information:

Once you have added the buttons.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.