Web Development » UpWork » How would you describe your specialty in UpWork?

How would you describe your specialty in UpWork?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:43 pm

My specialty on UpWork is creating and managing online portfolios for clients. I have a lot of experience working with clients to create a portfolio that showcases their work and provides the best possible representation of their skills.

I am also great at helping clients with branding and marketing their work, as well as finding new opportunities for them.

PRO TIP: When applying for jobs on Upwork, be careful how you describe your specialty. Many scammers will pose as freelancers and try to get you to hire them for work. Be sure to check the freelancer’s reviews and portfolio before hiring anyone.

I believe that a great online portfolio is the key to success on UpWork. It can help clients get more jobs, and can help them stand out from the competition.

I am passionate about creating effective online portfolios, and I am always happy to help my clients achieve their goals.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.