Website Building » Shopify » Is AliExpress Free With Shopify?

Is AliExpress Free With Shopify?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 4:20 am

Alibaba’s AliExpress is a marketplace where you can find Chinese manufacturers and suppliers for a wide variety of products. You can use AliExpress to source products for your online store, dropship them to your customers, or even use them for personal use.

PRO TIP: AliExpress is not free with Shopify. You will need to purchase a Shopify plan in order to use AliExpress.

While AliExpress is free to use, there are some fees associated with using the platform. For example, if you’re looking to dropship products from AliExpress to your customers, you’ll need to pay for shipping. And if you’re looking to source products for your own personal use, you may need to pay taxes and duties on those products.

So while there are some costs associated with using AliExpress, it is still a free platform that can be very useful for sourcing products from China.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.