Hosting » Azure » Is Azure Databricks same as Databricks?

Is Azure Databricks same as Databricks?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 11:46 am

Azure Databricks is a free and open source data management platform created by Hortonworks. Databricks is a successor to Hortonworks DataFlow, which was also a free and open source data management platform.

Databricks is built on the Spark data processing platform and offers a variety of features, such as data management, data analysis, and machine learning.

PRO TIP: No, Azure Databricks is not the same as Databricks. While they are both cloud-based data platforms, Azure Databricks is a proprietary platform from Microsoft that is built on top of the open-source Databricks platform.

Databricks is similar to Hortonworks DataFlow in that they are both free and open source data management platforms. Databricks also offers a variety of features, such as data analysis and machine learning.

However, Databricks is more sophisticated than Hortonworks DataFlow, and it is also more popular. Overall, Databricks is a powerful data management platform that is worth considering if you need a sophisticated data management solution.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.