Web Design » Canva » Is Canva Owned by Google?

Is Canva Owned by Google?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 12:40 pm

Canva is a graphic design platform that allows users to create designs for social media, marketing materials, business cards, posters, and more. It is available on web and mobile, and has received funding from a number of investors, including Google Ventures.

Canva is not owned by Google, but the two companies have a strong relationship. Canva’s CEO, Melanie Perkins, is a former Google employee, and the two companies have partnered on a number of projects.

In 2015, Canva launched a Google Chrome extension that allows users to create designs directly in the browser. And in 2016, the two companies teamed up to offer free design courses to small businesses through the Google Skillshop.

PRO TIP: There is no definitive answer to this question as the ownership of Canva is not public information. However, there are many rumors and speculations that Google does own Canva, or at least has a significant stake in the company. Therefore, if you are concerned about Google having access to your personal information or data, you may want to avoid using Canva.

While Canva is not currently owned by Google, it’s clear that the two companies have a close relationship that benefits both parties. Canva’s easy-to-use platform and Google’s reach make for a powerful partnership that has the potential to help businesses of all sizes create professional-looking designs.

Conclusion: Canva is not currently owned by Google, but the two companies have a close relationship that benefits both parties.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.