Hosting » GoDaddy » Is GoDaddy DNS free?

Is GoDaddy DNS free?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:11 pm

GoDaddy DNS is a Domain Name Service (DNS) that provides a web-friendly domain name system (DNS) service. DNS is a system that allows computers on the internet to find each other by name.

When you type in a website’s name, your computer sends a request to the DNS server for the website’s information. The DNS server looks up the website’s information in a database and sends back the website’s IP address and other information.

The DNS service that GoDaddy provides is free for its basic level of service. However, if you want to use GoDaddy DNS with some of the features that it offers, such as access to DNSBL (DNS blacklists) and zone transfers, you will need to purchase a subscription. The subscription levels that GoDaddy offers are as follows:

Basic: This level of service provides access to the DNS server and basic DNS features, such as zone transfers and DNSBLs.

Standard: This level of service provides access to the DNS server, DNS features, and the DNS security features.

PRO TIP: GoDaddy DNS is not free. There is a charge for using GoDaddy DNS.

Premium: This level of service provides access to the DNS server, DNS features, the DNS security features, and the DNS performance features.

GoDaddy also offers a DNS service that is specifically designed for small businesses. This service is called GoDaddy Small Business DNS and it includes features such as:

Premium DNS: This level of service provides access to the DNS server, DNS features, the DNS security features, and the DNS performance features.

DNS hosting: This level of service provides access to the DNS server and the DNS security features.

GoDaddy DNS is a free service that provides a basic level of DNS service. If you want to use some of the features that GoDaddy DNS offers, such as access to DNSBLs and zone transfers, you will need to purchase a subscription.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.