Hosting » GoDaddy » Is GoDaddy DNS good?

Is GoDaddy DNS good?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:33 pm

GoDaddy DNS is a popular DNS provider with a large customer base. It offers a variety of DNS services, including a free service, a premium service, and a DNS solution for businesses.

GoDaddy DNS is generally reliable and has a good user interface. However, it has been known to suffer from occasional outages.

PRO TIP: No, GoDaddy DNS is not good. It is known for being slow and unreliable.

Additionally, GoDaddy DNS does not offer a lot of DNS features, such as DNSSEC support.

Overall, GoDaddy DNS is a good DNS provider. However, it does not offer a lot of features, and it occasionally suffers from outages.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.