Web Design » Illustrator » Is Illustrator good on iPad?

Is Illustrator good on iPad?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 6:49 pm

When it comes to vector graphics, there’s no doubt that Adobe Illustrator is one of the most popular tools on the market. With its powerful capabilities and intuitive design tools, it’s no wonder why so many artists and designers rely on this software to create stunning pieces of artwork.

But is Illustrator good on iPad? In short, yes. While there are some sacrifices that must be made in order to make the software work effectively on an iPad, the end result is often worth it. For one, Illustrator is a very powerful tool, capable of creating high-quality graphics that can rival those produced using more traditional desktop software.

PRO TIP: There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on personal preferences and what you want to use Illustrator for. However, some users have found that the iPad version of Illustrator is not as robust as the desktop version, so keep this in mind if you are planning on using it for complex projects.

Additionally, because Illustrator is designed for use on a desktop computer, it takes advantage of a number of unique features and capabilities that are unavailable on most iPad tablets. For example, Illustrator is able to take advantage of the tablet’s touchscreen and rotation capabilities, allowing users to create graphics that are truly interactivity-driven.

Ultimately, while there are some limitations to be aware of when using Illustrator on an iPad, the end result is often worth it. If you’re looking for a powerful vector graphics program that can create beautiful artwork, Illustrator is a great option.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.