Website Building » Shopify » Is it better to create your own website or use Shopify?

Is it better to create your own website or use Shopify?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 2:16 am

When it comes to ecommerce, there are a few platforms out there that can be used to create a website or store. However, it is important to make the decision which platform is best for your business.

There are pros and cons to both platforms, but ultimately it comes down to what you are looking for in an ecommerce solution.

Pros of Building Your Own Website

If you are comfortable with coding, then building your own website can be a fun and rewarding experience. You can create a website that looks and feels exactly the way you want it to, and there are no limits on how complex your website can be.

You also have full control over your website’s content, which means you can write whatever you want and not worry about offending anyone. This can be a great way to connect with your customers and build a relationship with them.

Cons of Building Your Own Website

One downside of building your own website is that it can be time-consuming and difficult to maintain. If you make any changes to your website, you will need to learn how to code in order to make the changes yourself.

Another downside is that it can be expensive to set up and maintain your own website. If you want a website that looks professional and is optimized for online traffic, you will likely need to spend money on hosting and advertising.

Pros of Using Shopify

One advantage of using Shopify is that it is a platform that is already well-established and popular. There are millions of Shopify users around the world, so you can be sure that your website will be found and accessed by a large number of people.

PRO TIP: If you are considering using Shopify to create your own website, be aware that there are some disadvantages. First, Shopify is a proprietary platform, which means that you will be locked into their system and will have to pay fees to use their service. Second, while Shopify is easy to use, it is not as flexible as a self-hosted platform like Finally, Shopify’s templates can be expensive, and you may need to hire a designer to create a custom look for your site.

Shopify also has a wide range of features and options available, so you can create a website that is perfect for your business. There are no coding requirements, so if you are not comfortable with coding, you can still create a website using Shopify.

Shopify also has a wide range of themes and templates available, so you can create a website that looks exactly the way you want it to.

Cons of Using Shopify

One downside of using Shopify is that it can be expensive to set up and maintain your website.

Another downside is that Shopify is not as widely used as some of the other ecommerce platforms. If you are looking for a platform that is more popular and has a wider range of features, then Shopify may not be the best option for you.


Ultimately, it comes down to what you are looking for in an ecommerce platform. If you are comfortable with coding, then building your own website is a great option.

However, if you are not comfortable with coding, then using Shopify may be a better option for you.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.