Web Development » UpWork » Is It Possible to Get Scammed on UpWork?

Is It Possible to Get Scammed on UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:42 pm

Yes, it is possible to get scammed on UpWork. There are a few ways that this can happen:

1) A freelancer may take your money and not deliver the work.
2) A freelancer may do sub-par work and try to charge you for revisions.
3) A freelancer may try to get you to pay them outside of UpWork.

To avoid getting scammed, it is important to do your research before hiring anyone on UpWork. Read reviews and check portfolios to make sure the person you’re hiring is reputable.

PRO TIP: Yes, it is possible to get scammed on Upwork. There have been reports of freelancers being asked to do work for free, or being promised payment but never receiving it. There are also reports of fake jobs being posted, or of employers asking for personal information before hiring. Be sure to research any employer you are considering working with, and never do work without a contract in place. If you have any concerns, please report them to Upwork immediately.

Once you’ve found someone you trust, be clear about what you expect from the project and set a price that you’re both comfortable with. Finally, always pay through UpWork so that you have a paper trail in case anything goes wrong.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.