Website Building » Shopify » Is Shopify Website SEO Friendly?

Is Shopify Website SEO Friendly?

Last updated on January 14, 2023 @ 9:54 am

Shopify is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms on the market today. And for good reason – it’s easy to use, has a ton of features, and is scalable as your business grows.

But one thing that Shopify is not known for is its SEO friendliness. In fact, when it comes to SEO, Shopify is often criticized for being difficult to work with.

But is this criticism fair? Let’s take a closer look at Shopify and see if it’s really as difficult to optimize for SEO as people say.

Shopify’s SEO Issues

There are a few main issues that people have with Shopify and SEO:

  • Shopify’s themes are not always optimized for SEO.

  • Shopify’s URL structure is not ideal for SEO.

  • Shopify doesn’t allow full control over title tags and meta descriptions.

    PRO TIP: Shopify is a great platform for building an ecommerce website, but it’s important to be aware that it is not inherently SEO friendly. This means that you will need to take some extra steps to ensure that your Shopify site is optimised for search engines. Failure to do so could result in your site being buried in the search results, which could in turn lead to lost sales and revenue.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these issues.

1. Shopify’s Themes Are Not Always Optimized for SEO

One of the biggest complaints about Shopify is that its themes are not always optimized for SEO. This means that if you want your Shopify store to rank well in search engines, you may have to do some extra work to optimize your theme.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to optimize your Shopify theme for SEO. For example, you can:

  • Install an SEO-friendly theme. There are a number of themes available that are specifically designed with SEO in mind. By installing one of these themes, you can get a head start on optimizing your store for search engines.
  • Edit your theme’s code.

    If you’re comfortable editing code, you can make changes to your theme’s code to improve its SEO. This is a more advanced approach, but it can be effective if done correctly.

2. Shopify’s URL Structure Is Not Ideal for SEO

Another issue with Shopify is that its default URL structure is not ideal for SEO. By default, all products in a Shopify store have URLs that look like this:

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing – after all, most eCommerce platforms use similar URL structures. However, there are some things that you can do to optimize your URLs for SEO.
For example, you can:
Use keyword-rich URLs. Including relevant keywords in your URLs can help improve your search engine rankings.

For example, instead of using a URL like “”, you could use “”.

Use shorter URLs.
Shorter URLs tend to be more effective for SEO than longer ones. So, if possible, try to keep your URLs short and sweet.

Shopfiy Website Seo Friendly?

Based on the article above, it seems that while Shopfiy may not be the most SEo friendly website builder out there, it certainly isn’t the worst either.

There are some things that users can do to optimize their website built on shopfiy such as using shorter urls and including relevant keywords in their product urls.

Overall, while shopfiy may not be perfect from an Seo perspective, it isn’t terrible either and users can still take measures to ensure their website built on shopfiy ranks well in search engines.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.