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Is Sketch Similar to Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:33 am

Sketch and Figma are both vector drawing applications that allow for the creation of digital designs. Both Sketch and Figma also have similar features, such as the ability to create layers, add text, and use multiple colors.

However, there are some key differences between the two applications.

For starters, Sketch is a Mac-only application, while Figma is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux. This makes Figma more accessible to a wider range of users.

Additionally, Figma offers more collaborative features than Sketch, such as the ability to work on the same file with multiple people at the same time.

PRO TIP: Sketch and Figma are both design tools used by developers and designers. However, they have different features and capabilities. While Sketch is a great tool for creating vector graphics, Figma is better suited for creating pixel-based designs. If you’re not sure which tool to use, it’s best to consult with a design expert before starting your project.

Another key difference is that Sketch files are often much larger in size than Figma files. This can be a downside if you’re working with large designs or collaborating with others, as it can take longer to sync changes.

Overall, both Sketch and Figma are great vector drawing applications that offer a variety of features for users. While there are some key differences between the two, ultimately it comes down to personal preference as to which one you use.

Is Sketch Similar to Figma?

Sketch and Figma are both vector drawing applications with similar features. However, there are some key differences between the two applications. For starters, Sketch is a Mac-only application while Figma is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Additionally, Figma offers more collaborative features than Sketch. Another key difference is that Sketch files are often much larger in size than Figma files. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference as to which application you use.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.