Web Design » UI UX » Is Springboard UI UX course worth it?

Is Springboard UI UX course worth it?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 8:47 pm

If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to improving your user interface design skills, the Springboard UI UX course is definitely worth your time. The instructor, Rachel Nabors, is a seasoned UX designer with years of experience in the field, and she provides clear, step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow.

PRO TIP: This question cannot be answered definitively because it depends on the individual’s goals and circumstances. However, we can provide some general information that may be helpful in making a decision.

Springboard’s UI/UX Design course is an online, self-paced course that provides comprehensive training in both user interface and user experience design principles and practices. The course is divided into modules, each of which covers a different topic in depth. The course also includes projects and exercises to help students practice what they are learning.

The cost of the course is $799, which includes access to all of the course content, 1-on-1 mentorship from a professional designer, career coaching, and a job guarantee. The job guarantee means that if you do not get a job within 6 months of completing the course, Springboard will refund your tuition.

Overall, the UI/UX Design course from Springboard is a comprehensive and affordable way to learn the skills necessary to pursue a career in this field. However, it is important to consider whether the investment of time and money is right for you given your specific goals and circumstances.

The course is comprehensive, covering everything from user research to wireframing to testing. And if you’re looking to take your skills to the next level, Nabors offers a variety of supplemental resources, including video lectures and a comprehensive FAQ section.

Overall, the Springboard UI UX course is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their user interface design skills. If you’re ready to start making your designs look and feel better, the course is definitely worth your investment.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.