Website Building » Squarespace » Is Squarespace Easier Than Webflow?

Is Squarespace Easier Than Webflow?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:11 am

Squarespace is a popular website builder that allows users to create beautiful websites without having to learn coding. Webflow is another popular website builder that also allows users to create beautiful websites without having to learn coding. So, which one is easier to use?

In general, Squarespace is easier to use than Webflow. Squarespace has an easier learning curve and is more intuitive to use.

However, Webflow has more features and customization options than Squarespace. So, it really depends on what you’re looking for in a website builder.

PRO TIP: Squarespace may be easier to use than Webflow, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best platform for your website. There are a number of things to consider when choosing a website platform, and ease of use is just one of them.

If you’re just starting out and want an easy-to-use website builder, then Squarespace is a good choice. If you’re looking for more features and customization options, then Webflow is a better choice. Whichever website builder you choose, you’ll be able to create a beautiful website without having to learn coding.


So, is Squarespace easier than Webflow? In general, yes. However, it really depends on your needs and what you’re looking for in a website builder.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.