Website Building » Wix » Is There a Color Picker in Wix?

Is There a Color Picker in Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 4:26 am

As a Wix user, you may have noticed that there is no color picker tool in the Wix Editor. While this may be frustrating at first, there are actually a few reasons why Wix doesn’t have a color picker.

The first reason is that Wix is built on a drag-and-drop platform. This means that most of the design elements are already predetermined and set in place.


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PRO TIP: If you are looking for a color picker in Wix, beware that there is no such thing! Any site that claims to have a color picker for Wix is likely a scam, so be sure to do your research before giving away any personal information or money.

While you can certainly move things around and customize them to some extent, there are limits to what you can do. A color picker would require a more complex coding structure, which would be difficult to implement on a drag-and-drop platform.

The second reason is that Wix already has a wide range of pre-designed templates and themes that you can choose from. These templates and themes are created by professional designers who have carefully selected the colors, fonts, and other design elements to create a cohesive and visually appealing website. If Wix were to add a color picker tool, it would likely be difficult to match the quality of the pre-designed templates and themes.

So, while it may be frustrating at first, there are actually good reasons why Wix doesn’t have a color picker tool. You can still create a beautiful website by choosing from one of the many pre-designed templates and themes.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.