Web Design » Photoshop » Is There a Linux Version of Photoshop?

Is There a Linux Version of Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 9:15 pm

Linux is a great operating system for many things, but Photoshop is not one of them. Adobe Photoshop is available for Windows and macOS, but not for Linux.

That doesn’t mean you can’t do photo editing on Linux, though. There are plenty of good Linux photo editors that can do everything from basic image editing to more advanced tasks like digital painting and retouching.

So, what’s the best Photoshop alternative for Linux? That depends on what you need it for.

If you’re looking for something that’s very similar to Photoshop in terms of features and interface, then GIMP is probably your best bet. It’s been around for a long time and it’s constantly being improved. It can do pretty much anything Photoshop can do, and it’s free and open source.

If you’re looking for something that’s more geared towards professional photographers, then darktable might be a better option. It’s got a great set of features for raw photo editing, and it supports a huge range of cameras.

And if you’re just looking for something simple to do some basic image editing, then there are plenty of other options to choose from, like Paintbrush or Pinta.

So, there’s no Linux version of Photoshop, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do photo editing on Linux. There are plenty of good alternatives to choose from depending on your needs.

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Is There a Linux Version of Photoshop?

No, there is no official Linux version of Photoshop from Adobe. However, there are many excellent alternatives available depending on your needs.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.