Web Design » Canva » Is There an eBook Template on Canva?

Is There an eBook Template on Canva?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 11:49 pm

Canva offers a wide variety of templates for users to choose from when creating their own eBooks. However, there is no specific eBook template that can be found on the site.

This is likely because there are many different ways that an eBook can be designed, and Canva wants to give users the freedom to create their own unique design. There are, however, a few tips that can be followed when creating an eBook on Canva.

When creating an eBook on Canva, it is important to consider the overall look and feel of the design. The cover should be eye-catching and should give readers an idea of what the book is about.

The layout should be easy to follow and should include plenty of white space to make the text easy to read. Images and illustrations can be used throughout the eBook to break up the text and add visual interest.

PRO TIP: Canva is a great resource for creating beautiful designs, but be careful when using their ebook template! The template is designed for print books, not ebooks, and can result in your ebook looking unprofessional. Make sure to adjust the template to fit your needs before using it, or better yet, find a different ebook template altogether.

Once the basic design of the eBook has been created, it is important to add content that is both informative and engaging. The text should be well-written and free of errors.

Images, charts, and graphs can be used to supplement the text and help readers understand complex concepts. The eBook should also include a table of contents so that readers can easily navigate through the book.

After the content has been added, the eBook should be proofread to ensure that there are no errors. Once the eBook is finalized, it can be exported as a PDF or published online.


There is no specific eBook template on Canva, but there are plenty of tips and tricks that can be followed to create a professional and eye-catching design. Be sure to proofread the eBook before publishing it so that readers have a positive experience with your book.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.