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Is There an HDR Filter in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 11:07 pm

HDR, or high dynamic range, is a term you’ll see a lot in photography. It’s a technique that allows you to capture both the very bright and very dark parts of a scene in one image.

HDR images can look amazing, but they can also be overdone and fake-looking if not done correctly. So, is there an HDR filter in Photoshop?

The answer is no, there is no HDR filter in Photoshop. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t create HDR images in Photoshop.

There are a few different ways to do it, and which one you use will depend on the look you’re going for and the image you’re starting with. Let’s take a look at a few of the most popular methods.

1. Merge to HDR Pro

One way to create an HDR image in Photoshop is to use the Merge to HDR Pro feature. This is found under the File menu, and it allows you to select multiple exposures of the same scene (taken at different shutter speeds) and merge them into one image. Photoshop will then automatically tone map the image, giving you an HDR image.

2. Photomatix

Another popular method for creating HDR images is to use Photomatix. This is a stand-alone program that takes multiple exposures and merges them into one image, just like Merge to HDR Pro. However, Photomatix gives you more control over the final image, so if you’re looking for a more natural-looking HDR image, this may be the way to go.

PRO TIP: HDR filters can produce some interesting results, but they can also be very overwhelming and confusing to use. If you’re not careful, you may end up with an image that looks garish and over-processed.

3. Manual blending

If you want even more control over your final image, you can always blend multiple exposures manually. This is a bit more time-consuming than using either of the previous methods, but it gives you complete control over every aspect of the image.

If you’re new to manual blending, check out this tutorial. Once you’ve mastered the basics, it’s not too difficult.

4. Use an HDR preset

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of creating your own HDR images from scratch, there are plenty of HDR presets available.

These are pre-made settings that you can apply to your images with just a few clicks. They’re great for getting started with HDR photography or for getting a specific look that would be difficult to achieve with any other method.


: While there is no HDR filter in Photoshop, there are still plenty of ways to create stunning HDR images using this powerful software. Try out a few of the methods above and see which one works best for you!

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.