Web Design » UI UX » Is UI UX same as web design?

Is UI UX same as web design?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:07 pm

UI UX is often thought of as the design of the user interface (UI) of a web site or application. However, the two disciplines can be quite different.

UI UX is often concerned with the look and feel of the interface, while web design is focused on the functionality of the site or application.

PRO TIP: No, UI UX is not the same as web design. While both disciplines overlap in some areas, they are distinct fields with different goals and methods.

Web design is primarily concerned with the visual appearance of a website and its overall layout. UI designers, on the other hand, focus on how the website functions and how users interact with it. They work to create an intuitive and efficient user experience.

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in web design or UI UX, it’s important to understand the differences between these two fields.

UI UX often includes the creation of mockUPS and prototypes to test how users will interact with the design. This process can help to improve the design and make it more user friendly.

However, web design is also important in the development of a user interface. A good web design will take into account the functionality of the site or application, as well as the design of the user interface.

Overall, UI UX and web design are two different disciplines that can work together to create a successful site or application.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.