Web Development » UpWork » Is UpWork a Good Long Term Stock?

Is UpWork a Good Long Term Stock?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 8:55 pm

UpWork (NASDAQ: UPWK) is a publicly traded company that operates a freelancing platform. The company was founded in 2015 and is based in Mountain View, California.

UpWork went public in 2018 and is currently traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market.

UpWork is a freelancing platform that helps businesses connect with freelancers for projects. The company has over 12 million registered freelancers and 8 million registered businesses from all over the world.

UpWork makes money by charging businesses a percentage of the total project value when they hire a freelancer through the platform. UpWork also offers other services to businesses, such as enterprise plans and managed services.

PRO TIP: Is Upwork a Good Long Term Stock? –

No. Upwork is not a good long term stock. The company is consistently losing money and has a history of layoffs. The stock is also highly volatile, which means it is not a good investment for those looking to invest for the long term.

The company has been growing rapidly since it was founded in 2015. UpWork’s revenue increased by 72% in 2017, and by another 34% in 2018.

The company is not profitable yet, but it is investing heavily in growth initiatives. UpWork plans to use its scale to drive down costs and become profitable.

UpWork is a good long-term stock because of its strong growth potential. The company is well-positioned to benefit from the growing trend of businesses outsourcing work to freelancers.

UpWork’s revenue growth has been impressive, and the company is investing heavily in initiatives that should help it continue to grow at a rapid pace. While UpWork is not currently profitable, it is making progress towards profitability and is a good long-term stock for investors with a high tolerance for risk.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.